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  • Chía and Linaza Orgánica亚麻油包装图片
  • The Most important topic in this package design was two: Emphasize in the name of the seeds and his "organic" added value, and the "bowl image" to fortify the idea that this product is a morning or breakfast food (similarity with the cereal bowl). The back of the package show us how to use this food in a comic way, making the relation with the cultures that occupied these seeds ancestrally
  • Chía and Linaza Orgánica亚麻油包装---酷图编号1
  • Chía and Linaza Orgánica亚麻油包装---酷图编号2
  • Chía and Linaza Orgánica亚麻油包装---酷图编号3
  • Chía and Linaza Orgánica亚麻油包装---酷图编号4
  • 图片信息简介:Chía and Linaza Orgánica亚麻油包装·图片编号为912714,上传时间为2012-06-26 19:54:04,格式为JPG,颜色模式为RGB,分辨率为72 Dpi。
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