Fashion Editorial For AMUSEMENT MAGAZINE N°12
  • First collaboration between Ben Sandler (Photography) and Bonsoir Paris (Installation & Art direction) under the theme "Net Effect".
    This project relates to the concept of the digital identity, as a philosophical dialogue between the human form and the immaterial representation of our digital selves. 
    Metallic installations serve as metaphors of representations in the digital realm: enveloping and changing our identities, emanating as an existential aura.
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    8元开通会员,立享欧莱凯设计网九大权益! 无限下载、高速访问、无广告体验、等等!

    当前位置:网站首页 - 图库素材 - 艺术摄影 - 铁框
  • ANALOGICR人像摄影-枷锁铁框图片
  • ANALOGIC Fashion Editorial For AMUSEMENT MAGAZINE N°12 First collaboration betweenBen Sandler(Photography) andBonsoir Paris(Installation & Art direction) under the theme"Net Effect". This project relates to the concept of the digital identity, as a philosophical dialogue between the human form and the immaterial representation of our digital selves. Metallic installations serve as metaphors of representations in the digital realm:enveloping and changing our identities, emanating as an existential aura.
  • ANALOGICR人像摄影-枷锁铁框---酷图编号1
  • ANALOGICR人像摄影-枷锁铁框---酷图编号2
  • ANALOGICR人像摄影-枷锁铁框---酷图编号3
  • ANALOGICR人像摄影-枷锁铁框---酷图编号4
  • ANALOGICR人像摄影-枷锁铁框---酷图编号5
  • ANALOGICR人像摄影-枷锁铁框---酷图编号6
  • ANALOGICR人像摄影-枷锁铁框---酷图编号7
  • ANALOGICR人像摄影-枷锁铁框---酷图编号8
  • ANALOGICR人像摄影-枷锁铁框---酷图编号9
  • ANALOGICR人像摄影-枷锁铁框---酷图编号10
  • ANALOGICR人像摄影-枷锁铁框---酷图编号11
  • 图片信息简介:ANALOGICR人像摄影-枷锁铁框·图片编号为904420,上传时间为2011-08-22 12:50:31,格式为JPG,颜色模式为RGB,分辨率为72 Dpi。
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