The work is acomposition of 13 photographs which put together merge into one cohesive image representing the Last Supper inspired by the Leonardo da Vinci painting. The painting inspired the author for a new, contemporary interpretation of this work in the form of a fashion photo. Each character participating in the LastSupper has something characteristic that is distinguishing it from the others.These characteristic features are recurrent motives in the history of iconography, religious and historical painting. The characters have their original attributes of apostles, they are patron saints of particular fields, professions, some of them were known in history for their personality. Apostles - treated asseparate characters - perform the scene from the picture imitating the gestures displayed in it, and individual attributes have been incorporated in the styling, make-up or other features relating to the character.


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  • About the Leonardo da Vinci Last Supper关于达芬奇最后的晚餐图片
  • The work is acomposition of 13 photographs which put together merge into one cohesive image representing the Last Supper inspired by the Leonardo da Vinci painting. The painting inspired the author for a new, contemporary interpretation of this work in the form of a fashion photo. Each character participating in the LastSupper has something characteristic that is distinguishing it from the others.These characteristic features are recurrent motives in the history of iconography, religious and historical painting. The characters have their original attributes of apostles, they are patron saints of particular fields, professions, some of them were known in history for their personality. Apostles - treated asseparate characters - perform the scene from the picture imitating the gestures displayed in it, and individual attributes have been incorporated in the styling, make-up or other features relating to the character.
  • About the Leonardo da Vinci Last Supper关于达芬奇最后的晚餐---酷图编号1
  • About the Leonardo da Vinci Last Supper关于达芬奇最后的晚餐---酷图编号2
  • About the Leonardo da Vinci Last Supper关于达芬奇最后的晚餐---酷图编号3
  • About the Leonardo da Vinci Last Supper关于达芬奇最后的晚餐---酷图编号4
  • 图片信息简介:About the Leonardo da Vinci Last Supper关于达芬奇最后的晚餐·图片编号为903989,上传时间为2011-07-19 13:27:37,格式为JPG,颜色模式为RGB,分辨率为72 Dpi。
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