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  • 美国Torché葡萄酒包装设计欣赏图片
  • Wine lovers and consumers of all packaged goods are becoming more and more aware of the impact of their purchase decisions. Products that “walk the walk” make it very easy and convenient for consumers to live a more sustainable lifestyle. Torché is a sustainable wine that cares about the earth. So of course the box and bottle labels were designed to be printed on 100% post-consumer paper. But what really makes this wine unique is what you can do when the bottle is empty. Each bottle of wine includes hardware to create a mountable tiki torch for your back yard. Sustainability can be so cool. This idea really “caught fire” (no pun intended) when we featured a blog post about how to make your own back yard tiki torch by repurposing empty wine bottles. Over 600,000 visitors + 2,000 Facebook “likes” + 42 tweets and countless retweets since the blog post originally debuted.”
  • 美国Torché葡萄酒包装设计欣赏---酷图编号1
  • 美国Torché葡萄酒包装设计欣赏---酷图编号2
  • 美国Torché葡萄酒包装设计欣赏---酷图编号3
  • 图片信息简介:美国Torché葡萄酒包装设计欣赏·图片编号为903741,上传时间为2011-07-06 23:30:16,格式为JPG,颜色模式为RGB,分辨率为72 Dpi。
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