Heavier. Still Trick.
Good images are up to the shooter to make, not the talent.
  • These images were shot with, first and foremost, a camera that I'm comfortable with, and a lens that's been with me since the beginning. That was my advantage.

    I used an inexpensive simple single light with a basic shoot-through umbrella. No bounce. No assistants. No folder holders getting me coffee. And these are not models used to taking direction, just stand-up dudes who've made their fair share of coffee, and thrown around more than their fair share of iron.

    I'm not the sharpest tool in the deck of cards, but I know what works. And these guys worked.
  • "/>

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  • 美国Photographic肌肉纹身男摄影图片
  • Heavier. Still Trick.Good images are up to the shooter to make, not the talent. These images were shot with, first and foremost, a camera that I'm comfortable with, and a lens that's been with me since the beginning. That was my advantage. I used an inexpensive simple single light with a basic shoot-through umbrella. No bounce. No assistants. No folder holders getting me coffee. And these are not models used to taking direction, just stand-up dudes who've made their fair share of coffee, and thrown around more than their fair share of iron.I'm not the sharpest tool in the deck of cards, but I know what works. And these guys worked.
  • 美国Photographic肌肉纹身男摄影---酷图编号1
  • 美国Photographic肌肉纹身男摄影---酷图编号2
  • 美国Photographic肌肉纹身男摄影---酷图编号3
  • 美国Photographic肌肉纹身男摄影---酷图编号4
  • 美国Photographic肌肉纹身男摄影---酷图编号5
  • 图片信息简介:美国Photographic肌肉纹身男摄影·图片编号为903672,上传时间为2011-07-03 01:20:34,格式为JPG,颜色模式为RGB,分辨率为72 Dpi。
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