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  • 工业设计:国外Gigwam节日和家庭户外帐篷系统图片
  • # Gigwam Festival and family tent systems # Gigwam tent systems are wigwam shaped tents with many unique features, including a novel design that allows the user to erect the tent from outside. This also avoids the need for an internal pole to hold the tent structure, this is achieved by using a sleeve sown to the outside of the flysheet. On the inside the upright, or structural poles, are housed in sleeves sown on the inside to the flysheet. This means that all structural poles can be affected by pressure directed to the flysheet. A flexible support pole is slid through the sleeve on the outside of the flysheet, this pole travels around the full outside distance of the flysheet and is slightly oversize. This creates an outward pressure on th flysheet when the pole is connected end to end at an open section in the sleeve. This tension is sufficient to support the structure of the Gigwam, panels can also be removed from the sides of the Gigwam, allowing attachement of tunnels. Gigwams can then be connected in unlimited multiples to create communities or networks. The 2 person version is also the only 2 person tent on the market that a person can stand up inside.
  • 工业设计:国外Gigwam节日和家庭户外帐篷系统---酷图编号1
  • 工业设计:国外Gigwam节日和家庭户外帐篷系统---酷图编号2
  • 工业设计:国外Gigwam节日和家庭户外帐篷系统---酷图编号3
  • 工业设计:国外Gigwam节日和家庭户外帐篷系统---酷图编号4
  • 工业设计:国外Gigwam节日和家庭户外帐篷系统---酷图编号5
  • 工业设计:国外Gigwam节日和家庭户外帐篷系统---酷图编号6
  • 图片信息简介:工业设计:国外Gigwam节日和家庭户外帐篷系统·图片编号为902420,上传时间为2011-04-22 01:47:15,格式为JPG,颜色模式为RGB,分辨率为72 Dpi。
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