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  • DImencia Typeface类似玻璃碎片字体-美国Luna Ikuta设计师作品图片
  • Dimencia collaborates the essence of 3D principles and 2D design in a graphic display. Suited as an elegant and suave headline font, the letters are composed of very thin strands of thread hooked onto needles and cut paper mounted on the background. The movement of the strands creates a linear movement while the thick elements provide a pause for the eye to rest on. This high contrast conveys a unique visual effect and the use of the pin needles allow the letters to be interactive; the form of the letters change as the viewer moves his or her position from the work. While the string remains white, the color of the thick elements can change as the user pleases for artistic freedom.
  • DImencia Typeface类似玻璃碎片字体-美国Luna Ikuta设计师作品---酷图编号1
  • DImencia Typeface类似玻璃碎片字体-美国Luna Ikuta设计师作品---酷图编号2
  • DImencia Typeface类似玻璃碎片字体-美国Luna Ikuta设计师作品---酷图编号3
  • 图片信息简介:DImencia Typeface类似玻璃碎片字体-美国Luna Ikuta设计师作品·图片编号为912297,AC是此图片的作者,TA来自英国伦敦,上传时间为2012-06-20 13:44:04,格式为JPG,颜色模式为RGB,分辨率为72 Dpi。
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