Ana Gomez官方网站Symbiosis is a project focused on type experimentation. Based on the marvelous Didot Elder, I created a display font using branches and embroidery as shaping elements. The harshness of the branches is balanced by the delicacy of the detailed embroidery, they work together in a symbiotic relationship, creating natural and organic shapes that inspire quietness and latency. It's the visualization of the moment just before every system starts to bloom, the promise of a new beginning, that hasn't started yet but can already be felt.
A limited series of letter pressed posters depicting the letter A in his raw form, with no embroidery, are available to purchase..

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  • 纽约设计师Ana Gomez字体作品-Symbiosis图片
  • Ana Gomez官方网站Symbiosis is a project focused on type experimentation. Based on the marvelous Didot Elder, I created a display font using branches and embroidery as shaping elements. The harshness of the branches is balanced by the delicacy of the detailed embroidery, they work together in a symbiotic relationship, creating natural and organic shapes that inspire quietness and latency. It's the visualization of the moment just before every system starts to bloom, the promise of a new beginning, that hasn't started yet but can already be felt.A limited series of letter pressed posters depicting the letter A in his raw form, with no embroidery, are available to purchase..
  • 纽约设计师Ana Gomez字体作品-Symbiosis---酷图编号1
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  • 图片信息简介:纽约设计师Ana Gomez字体作品-Symbiosis·图片编号为907413,上传时间为2011-12-21 13:16:55,格式为JPG,颜色模式为RGB,分辨率为72 Dpi。
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