See-through church redefines landscape Reading between the lines / Gijs Van Vaerenbergh / Z33

Gijs Van Vaerenbergh makes church sculpture as part of art in public space project Gijs Van Vaerenbergh, a collaboration between young Belgian architects Pieterjan Gijs and Arnout Van Vaerenbergh, have built a see-through church in the Belgian region of Haspengouw. The church is a part of the Z-OUT project of Z33, house for contemporary art based in Hasselt, Belgium. Z-OUT is an ambitious long-term art in public space project that will be realised on different locations in the Flemish region of Limburg over the next five years.
The church is 10 meters high and is made of 100 layers and 2000 columns of steel. Depending on the perspective of the viewer, the church is either perceived as a massive building or seems to dissolve - partly or entirely - in the landscape. On the other hand, looking at the landscape from within the church, the surrounding countryside is redefined by abstract lines.
The design of the church is based on the architecture of the multitude of churches in the region, but through the use of horizontal plates, the concept of the traditional church is transformed into a transparent object of art.
The project is called 'Reading between the Lines' and is a project by the duo Gijs Van Vaerenbergh, a collaboration between young Belgian architects Pieterjan Gijs (Leuven, 1983) and Arnout Van Vaerenbergh (Leuven, 1983).Since 2007, they have been realizing projects in the public space that derive from their architectural background, but clearly display an artistic intention. As such, their projects do not always originate from the customary commission and carry a large degree of autonomy. Their primary concerns are experiment, reflection, a physical involvement with the end result and the input of the viewer.

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  • 比利时建筑师Pieterjan Gijs Arnout-镂空教会教堂建筑设计图片
  • See-through church redefines landscape Reading between the lines / Gijs Van Vaerenbergh / Z33 Gijs Van Vaerenbergh makes church sculpture as part of art in public space project Gijs Van Vaerenbergh, a collaboration between young Belgian architects Pieterjan Gijs and Arnout Van Vaerenbergh, have built a see-through church in the Belgian region of Haspengouw. The church is a part of the Z-OUT project of Z33, house for contemporary art based in Hasselt, Belgium. Z-OUT is an ambitious long-term art in public space project that will be realised on different locations in the Flemish region of Limburg over the next five years.The church is 10 meters high and is made of 100 layers and 2000 columns of steel. Depending on the perspective of the viewer, the church is either perceived as a massive building or seems to dissolve - partly or entirely - in the landscape. On the other hand, looking at the landscape from within the church, the surrounding countryside is redefined by abstract lines.The design of the church is based on the architecture of the multitude of churches in the region, but through the use of horizontal plates, the concept of the traditional church is transformed into a transparent object of art.The project is called 'Reading between the Lines' and is a project by the duo Gijs Van Vaerenbergh, a collaboration between young Belgian architects Pieterjan Gijs (Leuven, 1983) and Arnout Van Vaerenbergh (Leuven, 1983).Since 2007, they have been realizing projects in the public space that derive from their architectural background, but clearly display an artistic intention. As such, their projects do not always originate from the customary commission and carry a large degree of autonomy. Their primary concerns are experiment, reflection, a physical involvement with the end result and the input of the viewer.
  • 比利时建筑师Pieterjan Gijs Arnout-镂空教会教堂建筑设计---酷图编号1
  • 比利时建筑师Pieterjan Gijs Arnout-镂空教会教堂建筑设计---酷图编号2
  • 比利时建筑师Pieterjan Gijs Arnout-镂空教会教堂建筑设计---酷图编号3
  • 比利时建筑师Pieterjan Gijs Arnout-镂空教会教堂建筑设计---酷图编号4
  • 比利时建筑师Pieterjan Gijs Arnout-镂空教会教堂建筑设计---酷图编号5
  • 比利时建筑师Pieterjan Gijs Arnout-镂空教会教堂建筑设计---酷图编号6
  • 比利时建筑师Pieterjan Gijs Arnout-镂空教会教堂建筑设计---酷图编号7
  • 比利时建筑师Pieterjan Gijs Arnout-镂空教会教堂建筑设计---酷图编号8
  • 比利时建筑师Pieterjan Gijs Arnout-镂空教会教堂建筑设计---酷图编号9
  • 比利时建筑师Pieterjan Gijs Arnout-镂空教会教堂建筑设计---酷图编号10
  • 比利时建筑师Pieterjan Gijs Arnout-镂空教会教堂建筑设计---酷图编号11
  • 比利时建筑师Pieterjan Gijs Arnout-镂空教会教堂建筑设计---酷图编号12
  • 比利时建筑师Pieterjan Gijs Arnout-镂空教会教堂建筑设计---酷图编号13
  • 比利时建筑师Pieterjan Gijs Arnout-镂空教会教堂建筑设计---酷图编号14
  • 比利时建筑师Pieterjan Gijs Arnout-镂空教会教堂建筑设计---酷图编号15
  • 比利时建筑师Pieterjan Gijs Arnout-镂空教会教堂建筑设计---酷图编号16
  • 图片信息简介:比利时建筑师Pieterjan Gijs Arnout-镂空教会教堂建筑设计·图片编号为905605,上传时间为2011-10-13 11:38:36,格式为JPG,颜色模式为RGB,分辨率为72 Dpi。
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