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  • 西班牙Berezco Pacharán品牌黑酒包装设计图片
  • The design agency CB’a Graell, specialized in packaging and branding, has created the image for Berezco, the new pacharan of Ambrioso Velasco (Diego Zamora Group). The new design consists in the deconstruction of the brand. The use of a typography that communicates origin and tradition juxtaposed with a black background that makes the colours vibrate and the form of the bottle itself, enables the brand to transmit both authenticity and modernity: values that define a product that has been exclusively elaborated with the best blackthorn originating 100% from Navarra and whose traditional maceration process enables us to savour the authenticity of this pacharán.
  • 西班牙Berezco Pacharán品牌黑酒包装设计---酷图编号1
  • 图片信息简介:西班牙Berezco Pacharán品牌黑酒包装设计·图片编号为904099,AC是此图片的作者,TA来自英国伦敦,上传时间为2011-07-26 23:57:09,格式为JPG,颜色模式为RGB,分辨率为72 Dpi。
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