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  • 工业设计:QWIC电动滑板车系列图片
  • Emoto Lite series | QWIC Development and realization of an electric scooter series for the Dutch market. The project goal was to develop an affordable and lightweight electric scooter with a distinct appearance that supports the innovative character. The challenge was to develop the e-scooter in short time and within budget. First market introduction of the scooter named ‘Lite’ was in Augustus 2009. It was the first electric scooter to be developed in the Netherlands. The scooter was the best selling electric scooter of the Netherlands of 2009 and 2010. Results from extensive product testing as well as user insights led to further products improvements. Development included: detailed specifications, sourcing, development of the information panel, plastic parts, packaging and European approval.
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  • 图片信息简介:工业设计:QWIC电动滑板车系列·图片编号为902418,上传时间为2011-04-22 01:42:52,格式为JPG,颜色模式为RGB,分辨率为72 Dpi。
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